El Espino Restaurant

Address: 8446 Centreville Road, Manassas Park

(703) 365 2212

Opening hours


Desayune - Breakfast


Price: $0.00

desayuno campesino

(Can be cooked to order) carne asada, huevos, frijoles fritos,queso arroz, platanos, crema, aguacate / steak & eggs, cheese, rice, plantains, sour cream, avocado. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

guacamole con chips

Price: $0.00

huevos con chorizo

Huevos con chorizo, frijoles fritos,queso arroz, platanos, crema,aguacate / eggs with sausage, refried beans, cheese, rice, plantains, sour cream, avocado.

Price: $0.00

huevos en torta

Huevos en torta, frijoles fritos,queso, arroz, platanos, crema, aguacate / eggs cake, cheese, rice, plantains, sour cream, avocado.

Price: $0.00

huevos estrellados

(Can be cooked to order) huevos frijoles fritos,queso arroz, platanos, crema,aguacate/ fried eggs, cheese, rice, plantains, sour cream, avocado. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

huevos picados

Huevos picados (Chile Verde, cebolla, tomate), frijoles fritos,queso arroz, platanos, crema, aguacate / scrambled eggs with cut green pepper, onion, tomatoe, cheese, rice, plantains, sour cream, avocado.

Price: $0.00

huevos rancheros

(Can be cooked to order) huevos con salsa de tomate, frijoles fritos,queso arroz, platanos, crema,aguacate/ eggs topped with tomatoe sauce, cheese, rice, plantains, sour cream, avocado. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

platano frito con crema

Price: $0.00

tamal de elote con crema

Price: $0.00

Aperitives - Appetizers

baleadas de carne

Frijol, huevo, queso, crema, aguacate, came.

Price: $0.00

baleadas de pollo

Frijol, huevo, queso, crema, aguacate, pollo.

Price: $0.00

baleadas regular

Frijol, huevo, queso, crema, aguacate.

Price: $0.00

chicken wings

Price: $0.00

nachos especiales

Price: $0.00


Price: $0.00

quesadillas mexicanas

Flour tortilla with cheese and your choice: beef chicken, shrimp or only cheese served with guacamole and sour cream.

Price: $0.00

tacos dorados

Price: $0.00

tacos mexicanos (orden de 2)

Price: $0.00

tacos speciales (orden de 4)

Price: $0.00

yuca con chicharrón / fried yuca with fried pork

Price: $0.00

Aprilies Y Sopas / Appetizers and Soup


Ceviche de camarones crudo / partially cook (crudo).

Price: $0.00

coctel de camarones / shrimp cocktail

Price: $0.00

ostiones / raw oysters

Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

Sopas / Soups

sopa de gallina / hen soup

Price: $0.00

sopa de mariscos

Camarones, mejillones, almejas, scallops, filete de pescado, calamares. / Shrimps, mussels, clams, scallops, fish fillet, squid.

Price: $0.00

sopa de mariscos con crema

Camarones, mejillones, almejas, scallops, filete de pescado, calamar y crema. / Shrimps, mussels, clams, scallops, fish fillet, squid and cream.

Price: $0.00

sopa de mondongo

Trype soup with vegetables (yuca, carrot, cabbage, potato).

Price: $0.00

sopa de res / beef and vegetable

Price: $0.00

Ensaladas / Salads

grilled chicken salad / ensalada de pollo a la plancha

Price: $0.00

salmón con vegetales / salmon with vegetables

Price: $0.00

salmón salad / ensalada de salmón

Price: $0.00

shrimp salad / ensalada de camarones

Price: $0.00

Carnes / Meats

asado latino

(Can be cooked to order) 2 camarones, pechuga de pollo, res, chorizo, filete de pescado, servido con arroz y frijoles, / breast chicken, beef, chorizo, steak fish, served with rice and beans. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

bistec encebollado

(Can be cooked to order) steak topped with sauteed onions, served with rice beans and salad.

Price: $0.00

botana mixta grande

(Can be cooked to order). Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00


Price: $0.00

carne asada

(Can be cooked to order) broiled beef steak served with shredded lettuce rice and refried beans. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

combinación el espino

(Can be cooked to order) (carne asada, pollo y camarones) 4oz sirloin steak, half and boneless chicken breast with 3 large shrimps, served with rice and refried beans. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

costilla asada roasted rib

(Can be cooked to order) costillas de res, servidas con arroz, frijoles y ensalada. Beef ribs, served with rice, beans and salad. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

costilla entomatada

(Can be cooked to order) Arroz, frijoles, ensalada.

Price: $0.00

enchiladas mexicanas

Three corn tortilla rolled and covered with your choice of sauce (red or green), and melted cheese, served with rice, refried beans, guacamole, pico de gallo and sour cream.

Price: $0.00


(Can be cooked to order). Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

filete de carne asada

(Can be cooked to order) broiled sirloin steak, served with rice, refried beans and salad. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

lomo saltado

(Can be cooked to order) lomo saltado: jasmin rice, beef strips, sauteed with onions green peppers, french fries. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

mar y tierra

Price: $0.00

media botana

(Can be cooked to order) carne, pollo, camarones, chicharrón, alitas, yuca, pupusa, tortilla frita, tomate, pepino, meat, chicken, shrimp, chicharrón, wings, yuca, pupusa, fried tortilla, tomato, cucumber. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

new york steak

(Can be cooked to order) 4 oz res, arroz, papa, crema, vegetales 4 oz beef, rice, potato, vegetable, cream. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

plato tipico

(Can be cooked to order) 4 oz res, pollo con arroz, frijoles, queso, aguacate, ensalada. 4 oz of broiled steak, half broiled chicken, reasr, spanish cheese, avocado, rice, refrieds beans and salad. Consuming raw or undercooked meat seafood may increase your pick of food borne illness.

Price: $0.00

Pollo / Chicken

pasta con pollo

Price: $0.00

pechuga de pollo asado

Homemade marinated broiled boneless chicken breast served with rice, refried beans and lemon sauce. (Dishes include two fresh tortillas).

Price: $0.00

pollo a la crema con camarones

Arroz, frijoles, ensalada rice, bean, salad. (Dishes include two fresh tortillas).

Price: $0.00

pollo a la crema con hongos

Chicken breast strips with mushrooms, and cream served with rice and refried beans. (Dishes include two fresh tortillas).

Price: $0.00

pollo con tajadas

Chicken bread with green platain. (Dishes include two fresh tortillas).

Price: $0.00

polo encebollado

Fresh chicken sauteed with onion and served with rice and refried beans. (Dishes include two fresh tortillas).

Price: $0.00

Seafood / Mariscos

camarones a la crema

Shrimps with sauce arroz, frijoles, ensalada rice, bean, salad.

Price: $0.00

camarones a la plancha

Arroz, frijoles, ensalada rice, bean, salad.

Price: $0.00

camarones al sarten

Sauteed shrimps in garlic butter with green peppers, onions and tomatoes served with rice and vegetables.

Price: $0.00

camarones al vino

Large shrimps sauteed in a butters lemon sauce with white wine, garlic, parsley, served with rice, and refreid beans.

Price: $0.00

camarones con scallop

Shrimp with scallops arroz, frijoles, ensalada rice, bean, salad.

Price: $0.00

camarones entomatados

Shrimps with tomatoes arroz, frijoles, ensalada rice, bean, salad.

Price: $0.00

filete de pescado asado

Grilled perch filet, served with rice, refried beans and shredded lettuce or steamed vegetables.

Price: $0.00

mariscada al sarten

Sauteed shrimps, calamari, perch filet, mussels and scallops in garlic butters and wine sauce, served with rice and refried beans.

Price: $0.00

pasta con camarones / seafood pasta

Price: $0.00

pescado con camarones / fish with shrimps

Price: $0.00

pescado frito

Fresh pan, fried whole fish seasoned salvadorean style served with rice and refried beans.

Price: $0.00

todo de mar

Salmón, camarones y vegetales al vapor, salmon, shrimp and steamed vegetables.

Price: $0.00

Side Orders

aguacate / avocado

Price: $0.00

arroz / rice

Price: $0.00

frijoles molidos / beans

Price: $0.00

papas fritas / french fries

Price: $0.00

platano frito / fried plantain

Price: $0.00

queso / cheese

Price: $0.00


Price: $0.00

vegetales / vegetables

Price: $0.00

yuca frita / fried yucca

Price: $0.00

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Opening hours
All time 24/24
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Total : $0.00

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