Fanny's Restaurant

Address: 436 South Washington Street, Falls Church

(703) 5324 155

Opening hours


Menú de Desayuno



Price: $0.00

empanadas de queso cheese turnover

Con sabroso queso fresco. Filled with delicious fresh cheese.

Price: $0.00

empanadas sta. clara de pollo chicken empanadas

Jigote de pollo, cebolla, papas, aceitunas, pasas, y huevo duro.Chicken, onion, potato, black olives, raisins and hard boiled egg.

Price: $0.00

licuados smoothies

Plátano, frutilla, durazno con leche ó agua Banana, strawberry, peach, choice of water or milk.

Price: $0.00

salteña de carne beef turnover

Jigote de carme de res, cebolla, papas, con jugo de ají rojo. Beef, onion, potato, and red chili sauce.

Price: $0.00

sandwich de huevo con chorrellana egg sandwich

Con cebollas salteadas y tomate,Sauteed onions and tomatoes.

Price: $0.00

sandwich de lomito con chorrellana steak sandwich

Con cebollas salteadas y tomate.Sauteed onions and tomatoes.

Price: $0.00


Manzanilla, anís, etc. - Chamomille, fennel, etc.

Price: $0.00


Carne apanada, arroz, papas, huevos fritos, ensalada. Breaded beef, rice, potatoes, fried eggs, salad.

Price: $0.00

Menú Semanal

carne apanada, arroz, papas, huevos fritos, ensalada. breaded beef, rice, potatoes, fried eggs, salad.

Price: $0.00

lunch combo

Price: $0.00

Menú Platos Especiales.

1/2 lomo saltado

Price: $0.00

1/2 pique macho

Price: $0.00

asado de tira

2 acompañamientos a elección Grilled Short Ribs. Choice of 2 sides.

Price: $0.00

asado kochala

Papas fritas, arroz, 1 huevo y ensalada. Beef, french fries, rice, 1 egg and salad.

Price: $0.00

chuleta de res

Arroz, papas fritas y ensalada. T-Bone Steak, rice, french fries and salad.

Price: $0.00


Jugosa carne de lomo con rebanadas de cebolla a la parrilla, arroz, papas fritas y ensalada. Juicy tender Steak with grilled onion rings, served with rice, french fries and salad.

Price: $0.00

falso conejo

Carne apanada, arroz, macarrón, (chuño), papa. Very thin piece of breaded tenderloin in spicy sauce, rice, pasta, (dried potato) and potato.

Price: $0.00

filete de tilapia

Filete de pescado, arroz, papa, ensalada. Fish fillet, rice, potato, salad.

Price: $0.00

lomo con chorrellana

Carne de lomo, cebolla, tomates, huevo frito, arroz, papas fritas. Steak sauteed onion, tomato, fried egg, rice, french fries.

Price: $0.00

lomo con soltero (2 acompañamientos)

Tender Beef with salad. Choice of 2 sides.

Price: $0.00

lomo montado

Carne de Lomo, huevo fito, arroz, papas fritas y ensalada. Tender Beef, fried eggs, rice, french fries and salad.

Price: $0.00

lomo saltado

Carne de res picada, cebolla, tomate, arroz, papas fritas. Beef chunks, onion, tomato, rice, french fries

Price: $0.00

milaneza de carne

2 acompañamientos a elección. Breaded Steak or Chicken breast. Choice of 2 sides

Price: $0.00

milaneza de pollo

Price: $0.00

pechuga de pollo a la parrilla

2 acompañamientos a elección Grilled chicken breast. Choice of 2 sides.

Price: $0.00

picante de lengua

Lengua estofada en ají, arroz, chuño, papa, arvejas, ensalada Beef tongue stew; dried potatoes, rice, green peas, and salad.

Price: $0.00

picante de pollo

Pollo estofado en ají, arroz, chuño, papa, arvejas, ensalada Chicken stew; dried potatoes, rice, green peas, and salad. Pollo estofado en ají, arroz, chuño, papa, arvejas, ensalada Chicken stew; dried potatoes, rice, green peas, and salad.

Price: $0.00

picante mixto

Lengua con pollo estofado en ají, arroz, chuño, papa, arvejas, ensalada Beef tongue and chicken stew; dried potatoes, rice, green peas, and salad.

Price: $0.00

pique macho

Carne de res y chorizo fritos, papas fritas, huevos y ensalada. Fried Beef and sausage, french fries, had boiled eggs, tomatoes, onions and jalapeño.

Price: $0.00


2 acompañamientos a elección. 1 NY Strip, 1 Costillas, 1 Chuleta de Cerdo, 1 Pechuga de Pollo, 2 Hot Dogs, Servido con Chorrellana y 2 Huevos Fritos. 1 NY Strip, 1 Short Rib, 1 Pork Chop, 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Hot Dogs, Served with sautéed onions and tomatoes, topped with sunny side up eggs.

Price: $0.00

pollo saltado

Price: $0.00


Carne apanada, papa, huevos fritos, ensalada. Breaded beef, rice, potato, fried eggs, salad.

Price: $0.00

Menú Para niños

fajitas de pollo

Fajitas de Pollo de pechuga a la parrilla con papas fritas. Chicken tenders with french fries.

Price: $0.00


Salchicha y papas fritas. Chopped hot dogs and french fries.

Price: $0.00

Menú Fin de Semana

caldo de kawi/brisket soup (domingo solamente)

Arroz blanco, papa, chuño, carne de res. White rice, potatoes, dried potato, beef brisket.

Price: $0.00

chairo paceño/chairo from la paz (domingo solamente)

Sopa con tres tipos de carnes, costilla de cerdo, trozos de pollo y carne de res, chuño, vegetales y cueritos de cerdo. Chunks of beef, chicken and pork, boiled with vegetables, corn, wheat and dehydrated potatoes (chuño) and pork skins.

Price: $0.00

fricasé paceño/pork stew (domingo solamente)

Carne de puerco, mote pelado, chuño(papa seca), cebolla verde, arvejas. Pork meaat soup with pealed corn, dried potatoes, green onions, green peas.

Price: $0.00

jolke/veal kidney soup (domingo solamente)

Sopa de Riñón - Rodajas de riñón, con papa y caldo. Sliced kidney with potato and soup.

Price: $0.00

menú platos especiales menú fin de semana sopa de maní/peanut soup (sábado y domingo)

Carne, verduras, maní, papa, arroz. Beef, vegetables, peanuts, potatoes, rice.

Price: $0.00

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